
Review aggregators is one of the best strategy for online money making. Why? You can do e-commerce shop directly in Facebook, you can build company presentation in Instagram, News site in Telegram or Twitter, but all of social networks have no functionality for good review, comparison websites. This is why we created Reviewit demo with full of great content and review functions and ready templates.

Reviewit – demo of Rehub

Reviewit has emphasis on modern content wokflow to help you submit good content and modern design. For posts – we use our new Gutencon Gutenberg framework

We also added few Post layouts, Page layout and blog layout. Rehub theme has very flexible structure and you can mix content in pages, posts and blog pages. But, I think, that in most cases you will use your posts for Reviews (product, company, service), your pages for landings and Top listings and Blog posts for guides, news, articles.


Basic settings

First of all, enable Pretty permalinks in Settings – permalinks

Next step is to choose proper Post layouts, blog layouts. You can do this in Theme option – general

For Posts and pages we recommend Gutenberg Auto Content layout or Title outside Content Post layout. They are better for longread pages. Gutenberg Auto Content layout generates table of contents. It’s based on subtitles which you set for Review Heading block and Color Heading block, so, you must add these blocks if you need table of contents. However, you can also use our special table of contents shortcodes in content or in sidebar. Also, these Post layouts support Post Excerpt panel (so, you can add excerpt under title of post).

Next step is to choose default colors (you can leave it as default if you like them) or use Customizer to set header and color settings


Login and registration

If you want to allow users to register and submit on your site, you need to activate registration in Settings – general – allow to register. Of course, if you don’t need option for users, simply ignore this and disable user buttons in Theme option – user option and Theme option – header option. Please, note, that our demo has disabled registration page, so, if you want to disable it, delete link from theme option – user option – custom register link (/demo-login)

More about u003ca href=u0022https://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-theme/user-submit-memberships-profiles/setup-user-login-and-register-popup-menus/u0022 data-type=u0022URLu0022 data-id=u0022https://rehubdocs.wpsoul.com/docs/rehub-theme/user-submit-memberships-profiles/setup-user-login-and-register-popup-menus/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eregistration popup in themeu003c/au003e

Frontend Post submit

Our theme includes a special RH frontend PRO plugin which can be used to make simple forms for Post submit. it has support for some unique theme fields like Review forms and Post offer. Check how to use frontend submit and how to make Review submit

Don’t forget to enable option u0022Allow contributors and subscribers to upload media items and to edit their posts.u0022 in general settings of plugin or your users will not be able to upload images

Of course, if you don’t need review submit, don’t install RH frontend and remove button from header in theme option – header option. Also remove links to submit pages for users in theme option – user option

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